







This Friday is a dress down day! 请付1美元.00对1st period teacher if you choose to participate. Remember: NO holes and NO sweatpants. 


10月3日rd will be our Picture Retake day.   It will be in the afternoon starting at 1.   届时我们将通知学生们去多功能厅 ??




学生必须在指定的午餐时间到食堂报到. 没有老师的通行证或行政许可,学生不得离开食堂. Students are not permitted to hang out in the Student Lounge, 临时房间, or conference rooms during their lunch times




If you need to take a medication at GCCC, 你需要有医生的处方,并向学校护士提供药物. This includes Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Benadryl, etc. GCCC does not provide students with any medications. 这可能与你的家庭学校不同,所以如果你有任何问题或需要表格,请与学校护士联系! 


















First period teachers please check for uniforms AND IDs! 






返校节门票销售将持续到9月24日晚上11:59. 要购买机票,您需要打开发送到gocreek电子邮件的链接. Once you open the link, the page will ask you for a passcode. This passcode is your student ID found on ProgressBook. 一旦你输入这个密码,你就可以买票了. 购买机票时请使用个人邮箱,而不是学校邮箱,因为学校邮箱不会收到您的订单确认. If you have any questions please take a look at the FAQ or email (电子邮件保护).




"BHS students, check your gocreek email. 返校节门票将于9月9日至9月24日晚11:59发售. Tickets WILL NOT be allowed to be purchased after Sept 24th." 

比弗克里克电子竞技队仍在寻找一名英雄联盟选手. If you are interested, please see Mrs. 科瓦尔在BHS 2056房间. 



Congratulations on making it to your senior year! What an exciting time for you. 你们中的许多人将在高中毕业后进入大学,这个过程对你和你的家人来说可能是压倒性的..

•      Each year the counselors attend something called articulation. 这是俄亥俄州所有公立大学和许多私立大学都会参加的活动.   在这次会议上,我们了解有关录取过程的任何新趋势、信息等. In order for our school to be up to date on these changes, 直到这次活动结束后,我们才会开始发送秋季成绩单.   在2024年9月16日之前,成绩单请求将不会开始发送.

•      Unofficial transcripts will be given to Seniors in AVP Sept. 10th. 



•对于申请多所大学的学生,你可能会使用通用应用程序. 作为一个快速提醒,八月. 1, 整个系统都翻转了所以如果你在那之前就开始完成了, any information you completed may have been deleted. Please check your information.











Bellbrook is having a Pep Assembly on Friday Oct. 4th. All Bellbrook students are welcome to attend.   You will be dismissed at 1:45 p.m. 校车会及时送你回学校参加赛前动员大会. 


运动员注意了! (Volleyball, Soccer, XC, Football, Golf, & 女孩网球)


如果你有兴趣参加10月4日下午2:30-3:05的赛前动员大会的游戏部分, please fill out the Google form. 游戏的可能性包括“滚木垫”和“弹珠”.“如果我们收到的自愿参与者多于可用名额,我们将优先考虑Seniors & 初中. We will confirm with you if you are selected. http://forms.gle/k751uEqRAU2hCRWd





Please check your google classroom for Bellbrook announcements

This year's powderpuff game is on WEDNESDAY, October 2, 2024.  










ATTENTION STUDENTS – Don’t forget to buy your 2024-2025 yearbook! This work of art will display memories that last a lifetime! But it now for the low price of $45! Hurry before prices increase!


If you didn’t order a yearbook, but would like one now, see Mrs. 理发师. 费用是60美元.


Mark your calendars for Wednesday, September 25th 从晚上6点到8点,在戴顿龙队的主场球公园进行大学预科之夜. 这个活动是免费的. 来自全国各地的70多所学院/大学将出席. 预先注册并参加活动的学生将有机会赢得两个1美元中的一个,000 scholarships provided by Day Air Credit Union. You do not have to be present to win. 注册在 www.daytondragons.com/collegeprep.













A Night in the Floating Lights



Where: Fairborn High School Great Hall

Buy Tickets: Monday 10/7- 周五10/11


Monday 10/7- Tuesday 10/8- $15.00


Wednesday 10/9-10/11 - $20.00

Ticket not sold after 2:30 P.M. 周五10/11 




__MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM__·        悬停在“家庭”上方 

__MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM__·        scroll to “A Night in the Floating Lights” 

__MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM____MCE_ITEM__·        点击“购票” 




你对其他文化感兴趣或了解不同的民族吗? 加入

多元化俱乐部! 欢迎大家! 

We will meet on the 2nd Tuesday of

每个月在Mrs。. 加皮尔的房间(2112)


你在上西班牙语课吗? Are you just interested in learning about Spanish/Latino

文化与历史? 欢迎大家 to join us for Spanish club on the 3rd

Tuesday of the month in Mrs. 加皮尔的房间(2112).


号召所有学生!!! Do you want to learn to lift weights? 你害怕吗?

walk in the weightroom because you don’t know what to do? 整个九月,家庭服务部将提供一辆巴士从新高中到


training Facility is still under construction. Coach Ricky Alstork and Ms Rohler will

be there to supervise and help you.

Bus picks up at 2:20 from FHS Mon -Fri

Lifting 3:00 - 4:30 Mon - Fri at Middle School





Due to a scheduling conflict with the venue, the date for 正规的棋牌平台排行榜view's prom has been moved up one week. It is now Saturday April 26th. It will still be held at the Schindler Banquet Center in Xenia. 


请检查您的正规的棋牌平台排行榜view电子邮件,以确认您的名字是否拼写正确. 如果您不记得您的正规的棋牌平台排行榜view登录信息,请与. 加德纳在 (电子邮件保护) 


正规的棋牌平台排行榜view高中为任何感兴趣的学生提供免费的课后辅导. 辅导是旁听的(不需要预约),在老师的房间里进行. If you have a specific question or need help in a subject, this is a great opportunity to get your answer. 


星期一-和老师一起学数学. 夏普,216房间

Tuesday - Science with Mrs. 甜——116房间

Wednesday - English with Mr. Kloosterman, 215房间

Thursday -Social Studies with Mr. 汤普森- 209室 








Student Council is thrilled to announce this year's Homecoming theme....海底!! 准备好潜入一个充满海洋气氛、海洋生物等的神奇夜晚吧. 在你的日历上做上标记,准备好在2024年的返乡舞会《安全正规的棋牌游戏平台排行》上掀起波澜吧! 舞会将于9月28日(周六)晚上8点至11点在XHS体育馆举行. 让我们把今年的返校节变成一次难忘的海底探险吧!


嘉宾舞蹈表格可在总办公室或XHS网站上找到. 填妥的表格应在2024年9月26日(星期四)下午2:30之前交到总办公室.


门票将于9月16日(周一)至9月27日(周五)发售. Tickets can be purchased online, 在XHS午餐期间,及于上午七时至七时三十分或下午二时三十分至三时在新地协总办事处办理现金购货手续.




If you are interested in playing baseball in the spring, 请尽快在您的最终表格配置文件中添加棒球作为一项运动,以便您获得通信. We will be starting fall workouts next week. Contact coach Salyers with questions.



Attention high school students! Day Air Credit Union将于周三晚上在Day Air棒球场举办一年一度的大学预科之夜, September 25 from 6PM to 8PM. 这个活动将为你和你的家人提供你需要的信息,因为你准备找大学和过渡过程. 除了, 每个参加活动的预先注册的学生都有机会赢得其中的一个, $1,000.00 scholarships being given away! Representatives from colleges including Ohio State, 迈阿密大学, 辛辛那提大学, 俄亥俄大学, 普渡大学, 代顿大学, 肯塔基大学, 莱特州立大学, and many more will be in attendance. Register for this FREE event online at daytondragons.com/collegeprep.





注意,高中女生们——如果你对打篮球感兴趣,请尽快联系玛雅小姐! Beginning Sunday 9/15 open gym will be every Sunday from 12-2:00pm. Please see or email Miss Maya with any questions. 


是时候让YSHS最独特和最强大的俱乐部开始今年的活动了——学校森林俱乐部! New and old members are always welcome!

D&D Club will meet on Thursdays after school until 5:30pm in Ms. 塞拉的房间,303房间. Anyone interested is welcome to attend! 

如果你无法进入他们的黄泉高中的电子邮件地址,请联系Mrs. Costler @ (电子邮件保护)

Last year’s yearbooks are in and can be picked up in the office.

If you’re interested in Power of the Pen, please see Mr. H.








© 2024. 正规的棋牌平台排行榜 县 职业中心. 版权所有.
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